2020 Tax Season & Covid 19
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic we have taken necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of both our clients and staff. Our office will now offer remote options to communicate, upload documents and meet with us in via video conferencing. We have created 5 ways in which you can send your documents to us for processing. In Person meetings will be held on a very limited basis.
1) You can upload your documents securely to our new online portal. For this option, an online request will be sent directly to your email address in which you will be promoted to set up an account with a username and password and can upload your documents directly through our software. It will also allow you to view and have access to your completed tax return and documents for future reference. Once your personal portal is established there will be a link to the portal available on our website at www.esmtax.com for you to login in the future.
2) You can directly email us your tax documents. For security purposes if you choose this method, we suggest that you password protect the documents when sending to us.
3) By Fax: Fax#: 718-946-0775.
4) By Mail.
5) Drop off documents to our office:
ESM Tax Inc.
1517 Voorhies Ave, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn NY 11235.
We appreciate your cooperation during these challenging times and look forward to getting back to normal in 2021. Our office will be fully operational with a full staff. We will be processing your returns quickly and efficiently providing the personal service that you are accustomed to. Review of the tax returns can be done via telephone or video conference calls through zoom.
As of now, the tax deadline until further instruction from the Department of Treasury will be April 15, 2021. We ask that you get your tax documents to us in a timely manner and in accordance with when you would normally come in for a tax appointment.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at 718-266-4015 with any questions or concerns.